
Where I was before Holland: Germany.
Information on documentation, visas, permanence, security and much more for Brasilian consular portal.
Tourist information official website of Holland government.
Where I’m going next: Belgium.
Holland – A brief history
The Roman Empire conquered the region more than 2,000 years ago.
In the 15th century, it came to be ruled by the Austrian Habsburg family after in 16th century, the region passed to the Spanish domain.
During the 17th century, the Dutch built a vast empire, with colonies in North America, South America, Asia and Africa. The centers of sugar production.
The Kingdom of the Netherlands (Holland)
During World War II (1939–45), the Netherlands came under Nazi Germany.
After the war, the Netherlands granted independence to its remaining colonies: Indonesia and Suriname.
The country became part of the European Economic Community, which today is called the European Union.
I always wanted to visit Amsterdam, for the freedom it seems to have there.
After staying a few days I believe that the definition of the city is Sex, drugs and drinks.
As soon as I arrived, already at the hostel reception, I was informing where the drugs are, how the bars with drinks work and about the red light district.
Simple as that, as a menu to choose from.
During the day, walking around the city by bike is a great option, here everything works around the bike.
When the evening begins, the city gains an air of celebration and fills all the bars, restaurants, cafes (this is where drugs are sold).