
Where I was before Tibet: China.
Information on documentation, visas, permanence, security and much more for Brazilians Consular portal.
Tourist information is more official travel agents. i used China Highlights.
Where I’m going next: back to China.
As I had done the Everest base camp for Nepal I had to do for Tibet side.
I was unable to take the train from Xian to Lhasa, as it was packed so I decided to go by plane.
Quiet trip and you could see from the top that the place looks like a great desert.
The road to Lhasa is good.
Lhasa after China control became two parts.
One very modern and the other traditional.
I stayed in the most traditional part, where you can still see what Tibet was like.
I visited several temple and the most famous is Potala palace, official home of the 14th Dalai lama who is now in Dharamsala in India
On the other hand, control of China is immense. Anything that needs to be done must be authorized.
I had to obtain authorization to enter Lhaza, to leave Lhasa and another for the Everest region. On the way there are several checkpoints.
The way back to China, I took the longest train journey here, it was 44 hours to Beijing.
Everest base camp
After a few days in Lhasa I went to Everest base camp. I passed many temples and villages in the mountains.
On the Tibet side, you don’t see Everest until you arrive at the base camp and the way is done by car.
The Nepal is too way better where you walk for several days. It was only possible to see a glimpse of the mountain in the middle of the road, where it has a viewpoint.
In Tibet it takes 3 days by car to reach Everest base camp.
I was not lucky that the day was clean, but it was still possible to see the majestic Everest.
Return to Lhasa, a short rest and take the train to Beijing