Planejamento financeiro

Financial education.

We live in a society that everything, one way or another, revolves around money.

And we are in the middle of a war between save and spending money.

It is very easy to understand that earning money is extremely difficult and to spend very easy.

Each person has their own ideas, needs and way of looking at the financial situation.

Unfortunately Brazilians are not very good at managing their own money, a Central Bank survey shows that 60% of the population is indebted and does not control spending and investments.

Most have heard of financial planning, but education on this subject goes far beyond drafting a plan.

According to the ENEF (National Strategies of Financial Education) is:

“It is a process in which individuals improve their understanding of money and products with information, training and guidance.”

Financial education is a set of skills that will assist people in their decision making to manage, spend, invest and save their financial resources.

Aiming to increase your assets and ensure a safe and secure current and future life.
The great goal is to multiply the gains to accumulate wealth.

Why do people not do the financial planning?

There are many reasons but the main ones are:

  1. Difficulty talking about it with the family, mainly because the word “money” is only mentioned when the difficulty arrives.
  2. Perspective of each family member about their needs.
  3. High pressure for immediate consumption.
  4. Condition of the Brazilian economy with many ups and downs, leaving people with a difficult understanding of the future.
  5. The large population does not have the education and knowledge of the subject.

For a traveler, financial planning is even more important, so that travel is no longer a factor of indebtedness, but also to make travel feasible.

Let’s see how education / financial planning will allow you to travel more and better.


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