The challenges of traveling during the pandemic.
We have been in this Coronavirus pandemic for 3 years now.
And we still have many questions, but today we know much more than we did at the beginning.
Questions I get asked the most are:
- Is it safe to travel now
- Where is it better to travel
- Which means of transport is the safest?
There are many answers and questions, but for us travelers, we are always faced with unsafe situations and what we always do is minimize the risk and continue to travel.
Since there is no right answer, it depends a lot on your beliefs, personal situation, your country, where you want to go, etc.
In 2021 I took my first test back to travel. I believed that wave was going to end the pandemic and I went to Holland, Germany and Greece.
I prepared myself with the vaccine requirements and required tests and was counting on the quarantine.
I was lucky that when I started the trip, the quarantine was not required and then I was able to walk more.
See my trip Back to the world here.
So let’s talk about some aspects that can help you decide your trip
Understand the disease situation you may face.
The first is to understand what a pandemic is and then what are the characteristics of the coronavirus pandemic.
All diseases can be in different situations:
The first is the OUTBREAK:
Example: An outbreak of a disease can even occur inside a hospital, caused, for example, by a nosocomial infection”,
The second is the ENDEMIC:
Example: In Brazil, dengue is endemic, as it occurs during the summer in some regions of Brazil.
The third is the EPIDEMIC:
Example: In Brazil in 1974, there was an epidemic of meningitis, as there was a very large increase in the number of cases. However, it was restricted to Brazil
The fourth and final PANDEMIC:

Travel safely even in the Pandemic
How to travel safe in the Pandemic?
Mainly after my trip around the world and in 2022 with the trail through the Dolomites, Croatia and Portugal, without catching covid.
What I hear most is how it is possible to travel in these times of a pandemic.
So I decided to re-edit my ebook with all the details.
Which you can download Above.
I’ll make a summary:
FIRST of all and most important is to get your vaccine.
And not just for the coranavirus, but all diseases with available vacians.
Many of them are required in other countries.
If you are going to travel abroad, consult the Brazilian Government website for the countries and their requirements.
SECOND - Wear a mask
Many countries no longer require the use of a mask, but since it is not possible to identify who is sick or not and who has or has not had the vaccine, you better use it.
THIRD - Avoid going where the level of vaccination is low:
Many countries still do not have good vaccination coverage.
One of the best sources of information about vaccination is Johns Hopkins.
I hope it helped you to travel safely and find us around the world.