Trilhas e Travessia

I have always enjoyed traveling and for many years I have traveled to cities and beaches.

But at the end of 2003 I started to think and look for another alternative, less stuck with the tourist agencies.

That’s when I got to know the possibility of traveling in a different way, being more free, and at times going to Jericoaquara was freedom.

As I didn’t know anything about the subject, I started researching, and together with some friends, I started this new backpacking journey.

My first attempt was very good, but I was totally unprepared.

see here how it went.

Then I found out that the business was to travel with a backpack and I started to buy equipment and with some friends, I started my backpacking life.

It was a total mess, I didn’t know anything and I wasn’t prepared, but I went ahead.

After some time I wanted to make the  Americas icon trail which was the Inca trail.

Discover the pleasure of making trails and crossings and I’ve been doing many in Brazil and some around the world.

Here are the reports of some


My first international trekking is to discover the pleasure and freedom of backpacking.

As I didn’t know much about backpacking and hiking, it was a learning discovery.

Machu Picchu

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.