Traveler’s life beyond travel

When you think of traveling, what comes to mind is the glamorous part. The incredible places, the happiness of being free and enjoying unforgettable moments.

However, to become a traveler, you need good planning and “living” the trip every day of your life.

Incredible.  I also think! I’ve seen thousands of these photos on social media, TVs and magazines, and I used to wonder how extraordinary the lives of those who made these photos!

I believed every day would be just like these photos: planes, wonderful places, friends and smiles.

The reality is a bit different and today, after much walking around this world, I can clearly see the various sides of a trip, from the glamor photos to the traveler ́s lifestyle  in their day by day.

The Travel Glamor.

This is the side trip we always want to be! The one with the spectacular photos and smiles. It is a dream come true, but it gets only a small portion of a traveler’s routine. To be honest it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The bottom line is a lifestyle. A set of consistent actions that allows you to live the glamor without forgetting the day by day and this is what I would like to talk about in A traveler’s life beyond travel.

The  Traveler lifestyle.

In traveler`s life there are two sides that determine your lifestyle.

1 – During the trip:

These are all events and decisions made since leaving home until your return.

In addition to the normal ones like getting your plane, check in at hotel, etc.
we have unexpected situations like canceled flights, changes of weather, unavailability of tours etc.

2 – Before and after the Journey.

Besides planning the trip we still have another side which is how we plan to save money, go on vacation etc.

These decisions are almost more important than the ability to plan the best trip of your life perfectly, and to help you with this, I will answer questions such as:

How will I show this?

Through the project The Wander Traveler and its three pillars I will cover every aspect of a traveler’s life.

First I would like to leave two quotes that inspire me whenever I come across a challenge:

“You can not discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the coast”
André Paul Guillaume Gide, French writer and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.


“The journey of a thousand kilometers begins with a simple step”
Lao-Tzu, considered the greatest of pre-confucian philosophers.

So here are the 3 pillars of The Wander Traveler.

1- Show to you the wonderful places where I have been.

To inspire you, I will show you what you can see in these places. You will know in advance if it is something that awakens your curiosity. If this is where you want to start, the ideal page is Destinations.

2- Tips and tricks: To travel more and better.

So you can plan exactly the journey of your dream, within your style and your budget. If you are already in this step, your place is the Blog.

3- Travel backstage.

For you to know exactly what to do to have money, time and mindset for travel and most of all to have the lifestyle that enables you to travel more and better.

If that is your goal, the right place is in A traveler’s life beyond travel. Where we will discuss 3 main topics.

Topic 1: Traveler Lifestyle.

Everyone has their own way of life. We know what we want out of life and have already a certain “plan” for the future.

There is no right or wrong style, but what is lived by your choice or circumstance.

I intend here to show you how you can be the manager of your style, how to have a traveler’s life and all the peculiarities.

Topic 2:  Financial Education.

Travelers need a good planning to be more consistent and enjoyable.

However, in order to do an effective planning, you need to have a financial education that is a set of knowledge that will increase your understanding of financial concepts and products.

This will change your spending habits, ways to save and especially how to invest your money.

Of course we should already have financial planning, but we know that is not necessarily true.

Research by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brasil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL) show that more than 60% of the Brazilian population does not make any financial planning.

What is Financial Planning?

Financial planning is a set of actions aimed at ensuring that your goals (financial, travel, lifestyle) are met.

Figure out what actions should be taken today to have money to support the lifestyle of today and the future, considering both what is predictable and what is not.

Your financial planning will be done through techniques, tools and habits change

With the aim of traveling more and better.

As well as having the peace and security of being prepared to take advantage of the glamorous side and lessen the downside, which is to pay the bills, like going on vacation from work etc.

Topic 3: Sustainability.

Sustainability is one of the most important factors in a traveler’s lifestyle, but many people still do not give due importance to it.

What a traveler want is to arrive and find the place preserved. Be it a landscape, a monument, an architecture, etc.

There is nothing worse than finding the place “destroyed” by the amount of people, rubbish, graffiti etc.

For this, sustainability is fundamental.

So It is important in your day by day activities before, during and after the trip, as well as in relation to the places you visit and your own.

Ready to start? Choose one of the themes below and come explore the world with me.

Lifestyle of traveler.
Financial education.

The Wander Traveler
José Carlos Costa